How much an average hair transplant should cost?


When you are searching for the hair transplant procedure to cure your hair loss. The cost is the most critical factor, especially with respect to hair transplantation. If you want to get a hair transplant then it’s essential that you pick a suitable hair transplant surgery and a clinic which offers a sensible cost rather than choosing an expensive one.

Cost is a major factor when considering to get a hair transplant procedure. In fact, it’s a deciding factor for some whether to opt for a hair transplant or not.

If you are a victim of hair thinning, hair loss or baldness then you must be considering to get a hair transplant. But the really important question that you may have is:

How much should an average hair transplant cost?

Well, $4,000 to $15,000 is the average hair transplant cost.

There are various hair transplant clinics which offer expensive hair transplant surgeries for the treatment of hair loss and claims to provide the better results.

The Cost of the Hair Transplantation Surgery depends on:

  • The type of hair transplant method
  • The severity of your hair loss
  • Amount of donor hair for your hair transplantation procedure
  • Your donor hair characteristics like hair texture and color.
  • Your anticipated results.

The cost of the hair transplantation surgery depends on the number of hair follicles which are required during the hair transplant surgery. However, the cost of the hair transplant method is different from clinic to clinic.

Like, the cost per graft is dependent on a number of the surgical sessions. If the hair transplant surgery is performed just in one session then the cost will be less when contrasted with the 2/3 surgical sessions.

FUE Hair Transplant Cost at the Hair Transplant Centre:

The hair transplant center offers an affordable cost of the FUE hair transplant around $5/$6 to $7. And also due to the factor that after getting only one procedure of the FUE hair transplant from the hair transplant clinic, you will be able to see prominent and desired results in short span of time.

FUE hair transplant is best among other hair transplant surgeries because of the following reasons:

Reasons Why FUE Hair Transplant is best among other Hair Transplants:

  • Because it’s a least invasive or painless procedure
  • It doesn’t leave any kind of visible marks.
  • it also has less downtime during the surgery.
  • It has quick healing and recovery process.
  • It has zero post-surgical reactions.
  • It provides long lasting and noticeable results in less time period.
  • If a patient has less donor hair supply then this treatment has another quality that the body hair can be used in it for the transplantation of hair.

Seek a Hair Transplant Surgeon’s Advice:

If you are experiencing hair thinning, hair loss or baldness and want to get rid of it completely. Then seeking a hair transplant surgeon’s advice is very important.

Consultation with the Hair Transplant Surgeon at the Hair Transplant Centre:

Arrange an appointment with the hair transplant surgeon at the hair transplant clinic. He will first examine your scalp including your donor and recipient areas.

Then he will affirm you that are you eligible to get a hair transplant or not. If you are eligible to get a hair transplant but you have less donor hair supply. Well don’t worry, you can still get a hair transplant to permanently cure your hair loss.

Because there’s a substitute hair transplant surgery that allows the patients to use their body hair as a donor hair supply during the hair transplant surgery. And that hair transplant procedure is FUE hair transplant.

So the hair transplant surgeon may recommend you to get a FUE hair transplant. Because it can still be performed by using your body hair as a donor hair supply. And above all, the hair transplant center offers a reasonable FUE hair transplant cost in Dubai.

So that all the sufferers who want to get a hair transplant to treat their hair loss problem, can easily get a hair transplant procedure.

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