Shedding After Hair Transplant

Hair shedding post hair transplant procedure is a common effect for this kind of cosmetic procedure. Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that harvests hair follicles from a donor area, most preferably an area where hair growth is abundant, and eventually transplanted to the recipient site. Donor areas are usually at the sides and back of the head. Other areas which can have abundant hair for male patients are their chest, legs and arms. The recipient site is the area where hair is not at all abundant, or possible hair loss and balding are occurring. The recipient sites are usually the problem area where hair follicles need to be transplanted to. Recipient area for hair transplantation in Dubai may vary and this may include the eyebrows, beard, eyelashes and the most common of all is the head area.

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Shedding After Hair Transplant

Shedding After Hair Transplant

Reasons for Hair Shedding After Hair Transplant

  • Day one after the hair transplant procedure patients should expect soreness, slight bleeding and swelling while still seeing thousands of new transplanted hair grafts on the recipient area. These will eventually scab over in duration of the fourteenth day post treatment.
  • Flaking of scabs and donor hair are normal and are part of the healing process.
  • Following second week of treatment, hair follicles transplanted on the recipient area will continue to shed and the amount of hair will increase even more compared to the first week after the procedure.
  • Patients need not to panic for this does not necessarily mean that the hair transplant procedure you just had automatically failed. Hair only becomes detached from the follicle after it has taken root in order to make way for eventual new hairs to grow.
  • In this stage the grafts haven’t actually disappeared but the hair within the follicle usually does fall out after two week or so following hair transplantation.
  • The hair falls out and the follicle goes into a dormant stage until the third and fourth month when patients will then able to see and feel hairs starting to grow.
  • Fifty percent of hair grows after six months and almost a hundred percent of hair shall be seen abundant in about a year after the procedure.

How to Take Care of Newly Transplanted Hair

  • Patients must always make sure that scarring in areas where the procedure was done shall have minimal scarring. To do so, make sure that swelling after the procedure is minimal and always ask your doctor for medication that can reduce it.
  • Reducing swelling can also reduce irritation and other forms of infection that can possibly cause ugly and visible scars.
  • Patients must keep their head elevated especially when sleeping at night to help reduce swelling as well.
  • Avoid physical activities especially those that require being exposed to the extreme heat of the sun, for sweating has been to increase the risk of irritation and infection on treated areas.

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  • Diet can also make a lot of difference. Reducing the presence of spicy food in your diet is strictly advised. According to research, spicy dishes or ingredients added to food can interfere with the healing process.
  • Always keep the area clean all throughout the recovery and healing period.
July 9, 2014
Hair shedding after hair transplant

Shedding After Hair Transplant

Hair shedding post hair transplant procedure is a common effect for this kind of cosmetic procedure. Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that harvests hair follicles […]
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