eyebrow hair transplant

Eyebrow hair loss is uncommon however when it happens, the beauty of the face is influenced by it. Since eyebrows are a noticeable facial part, it adds charm to your face and can enhance your looks.

Eyebrows define the space between a person’s eyes and forehead. If you lost your eyebrows whether partially or completely then you most probably be looking for an effective, harmless and enduring hair restorative treatment.

Consultation with the Trichologist:

So it’s better to seek an expert advice for the treatment of your eyebrows.

So, arrange an appointment with the hair transplant surgeon. He will examine your donor area that is scalp and your recipient region that’s your eyebrows.

Afterwards, he will tell you that which factor has contributed in causing your hair loss.

Causes of Eyebrows Damage or Eyebrow Hair loss:

  • Waxing
  • due to age
  • Unnecessary plucking, Tweezing is harmless and helps to groom your eyebrows but don’t overdo it.

Dangers of over-plucking your eyebrows:

  • Ingrown hair, it occurs when hair breaks off underneath your skin due to excessive plucking
  • Infections, tweezing can leave your pores open which can lead to infections.
  • Hair Follicles of the eyebrows can get damaged.

Some other Factors of Eyebrow Hair Loss:

·         Nutrient Deficiency

If you don’t have the following components in your diet, you might lose eyebrow hair:

  • Iron and Zinc, in meat
  • Vitamin D
  • Protein
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, in fatty fish like salmon
  • Vitamin B7, in eggs
  • Vitamin B12 (deficiency causes weak or brittle hair shafts)

·         Aging:

To prevent your eyebrows from showing signs of aging

  • go easy with eyebrow makeup
  • try to prevent stress
  • make sure your skin is hydrated
  • Hypothyroidism

    Hormonal imbalance, low thyroid, you might feel tired/ freeze in the cold/ gain weight/ lose your hair.

·         Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema):

An inflammation of the skin that leads to an itchy, red and swollen skin.

·         Alopecia Areata

An autoimmune disease, hair is lost from some or all areas of the body.

·         Allergy

And in the end, if you are eligible to get a hair transplant then he may recommend you a Trendy Procedure that Many People are getting to Raise Their Eyebrows i.e. eyebrow transplant in Dubai from the hair transplant clinic.

Why Experience Matters?

Eyebrow hair isn’t similar as some other sort of hair on your body. It’s very difficult to implant hair on the eyebrows region. And above all, giving an aesthetic look to the face so that people won’t be able to distinguish between natural and transplanted hair at eyebrow regions.

That’s the reason, the hair surgeon will recommend you to get eyebrow hair transplant in Dubai from the hair transplant clinic. Because hair transplant clinic has the most experienced and proficient surgeons to perform the surgeries.

The hair transplant surgeon will recommend you to follow some pre-surgical care instructions before getting an eyebrow transplant.

Pre-Surgical Care:

  • Quit taking blood thinning medications ►aspirin, ibuprofen.
  • Abstain from using vitamin supplements
  • Quit smoking
  • Try not to drink alcoholic beverages.

Some more Care Tips for Eyebrows:

  • Intake of the healthy diet to overcome the Nutrient Deficiency, including:
  1. Iron and Zinc, in meat or lentils
  2. Vitamin D
  3. Protein
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids, in fatty fish like salmon
  5. Vitamin B7, in eggs
  6. Vitamin B12
  7. Coconut Oil
  8. Olive Oil
  9. Castor Oil
  10. Egg Yolk
  • Aloe Vera
  • Hide thin eyebrows with makeup
  • Stop Over-Plucking
  • go easy with eyebrow makeup
  • try to reduce your stress levels
  • make sure your skin is hydrated and moisturized
  • It takes a couple of months to grow your eyebrow transplanted hair. Hairs on the eyebrows regularly start to show up in almost 3 months, but it takes a year for the final and better results.

You will also have to follow some post-surgical care instructions of the eyebrow hair transplant for long lasting and safe results.

Post-Procedure Care:

  • Start taking prescribed medications just after getting the eyebrow hair transplant surgery.
  • Try not to wash your face for 24-36 hours.
  • Try not to take any blood thinning medications for almost 2 weeks.
  • Quit Smoking
  • Try not to rub or clean eyebrows
  • Avoid picking and scratching your eyebrows.

When it comes to enhancing physical beauty and making a good first impression, then your eyebrows are your most important facial feature and they frame your eyes too.  Eyes not only helps to express your emotions to the world but they are also a critical factor in how people recognize and remember your face. So maintain your eyebrows for an over all attractive look.

December 29, 2017
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