A hair transplant surgery in Dubai is a onetime procedure that nobody wants to undergo again and again. If you are also planning to undergo surgical hair restoration and want to make sure it turns out to be a successful, once in a lifetime event, be extra vigilant and careful about the surgery. You have a crucial part to play in your hair transplant surgery. The easiest way to minimize the risk of complications during hair transplant is to prepare yourself for the surgery in the best possible manner so that you don’t have the slightest risk of developing unwanted complications during or after the procedure.
Hair Transplant surgery is probably the safest hair restoration technique, but only when performed by skilled hands with state-of-the-art surgical equipment. So make sure you select the best surgeon in the town and a reputable hair restoration facility to get the procedure done. Nevertheless, it is a surgery that carries some risk of complications, although temporary and not-so-serious. But the risk of complications during hair transplant surgery can be significantly minimized by following the pre and post-procedural instructions of the surgeon. Here is a list of things that you must avoid as you prepare for the surgery and recover from it.
Stop using blood thinners
Use of blood thinners is strictly prohibited as they reduce viscosity of the blood. This ultimately increases chances of bleeding during hair transplant surgery. There are numerous medicines and supplements that fall under the category of blood thinners. Aspirin and ibuprofen are two most commonly used pain medications. But they have blood thinning traits and must be avoided for two weeks before and after surgery. Among the vitamin supplements, use of Vitamin C, Vitamin B and Vitamin E must be discontinued as you prepare for hair transplantation.
Avoid smoking for at least two weeks before and after the transplant
Smoking is also a big no as you prepare for any surgery. Nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels, affecting their ability to transport blood to the operated areas, thereby hampering the healing process. In case of hair transplant, blood supply to the scalp is affected and this not only hinders the healing process but also affects ideal hair growth. Carbon monoxide in cigarettes smoke, on the other hand, decreases the capacity of blood to carry oxygen. This again affects the wound healing process and increases risk of infection. Quit smoking two to three weeks before hair transplant and refrain from it for another couple of weeks following the surgery.
Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages and caffeinated drinks
Alcohol and caffeine also affect the hair transplant outcome by slowing down the healing process and affecting hair regrowth. Limit your consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks during the last week in the lead up to the surgery, and discontinue their intake during the last 3 days. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and black colas for another 3 to 5 days following the surgery.
Heavy exercise
Most patients are allowed to resume non-strenuous activities within 3 to 5 days after surgery. But this does not mean, “Do whatever you want to do”. Avoid all those activities that cause sweating or increase your pulse. Sweating in the scalp can cause infection in wounds, affecting the outcome of the surgery. Weight training should also be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks, or until the doctor allows you to resume, especially if you have undergone strip method transplant.
Scalp massage
Massaging is good for hair growth, but not immediately after hair transplant. Doctors ask their patients to avoid touching the scalp for 10 to 14 days, let aside rubbing it for massage. While touching the scalp can make the site infectious, massaging can dislodge the freshly transplanted follicles. Also avoid picking or scratching at the small crusts forming around transplanted follicles. It will have a similar effect as that of massaging.
If you are interested in getting a safe, risk-free Hair Transplant in Dubai, visit Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic today or book a FREE CONSULTATION by filling the form below.