After a hair transplant surgery, the first thing that most patients want to do is to try different hairstyles that they have been dreaming off ever since they first started shedding hair. You may also be excited to play around with new hairstyle after getting a hair transplant, but there are several things that you need to keep in mind as you plan to break the styling products and techniques. It is strongly recommended to wait for a few weeks before resuming your normal hairstyling regimen. Allow the newly transplanted follicles affix themselves to the recipient site and the wounds to heal before exposing your scalp to styling products.
Follow these hairstyling tips after hair transplant to make sure you recover quickly and uneventfully, and get the most out of the surgery.
Patience, Patience and Patience
While your excitement to see newly grafted hair grow is understandable, the fact is that hair growth from transplanted grafts is not an overnight process. The newly transplanted follicles – and some of the existing hairs also – usually fall out within the first few weeks following the surgery. New, permanent hairs normally begin to grow after 3-4 months and it takes around 12-18 months before you can enjoy a fuller head of hair. Therefore, it is important to be patient while you wait for the new hair to sprout from the transplanted follicles.
Shampoo, But Carefully
You will be asked to avoid washing head for 36 to 48 hours. But after that you will be allowed to shampoo your hair. The first wash post-transplant is usually performed in the doctor’s office under his/her supervision. This is to show you how you to shampoo the scalp without irritating the grafts or disrupting the healing process. It is strongly recommended to use a mild shampoo, free of sulfites, and wash the scalp gently and carefully. Avoid rubbing scalp skin vigorously, this can damage the grafts.
Say No To Heat Drying
It is best to let your hair air dry even under normal circumstances, and after a hair transplant blow dryers are especially a big no. The donor site may remain numb for a few weeks following the surgery. You would not feel it heat up and thus may end up burning it with blow dryer’s heat. The heat from blow dryer can also damage the freshly transplanted follicles. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid heat drying for at least a month.
Avoid Hair Dyes And Other Chemical Products
It is recommended to hold off dying your hair for 3 to 5 weeks at least following a hair transplant. Hair dyes are stuffed with harsh chemicals that can permanently damage the highly sensitive follicles. Also avoid use of other hairstyling products such as gels, mousses and hair sprays. The follicles may react in unexpected way to the chemicals present in these styling products. If dying is necessary, do it a few weeks prior to the surgery.
Focus Should Be On Existing Hair
Since it takes several months and at times around a year before the new hair growth becomes evident, you should focus on the hair you already have. Think of different hairstyles which allow to not only cover any donor area scarring but also any atypical appearance of the recipient site. As the transplanted hairs grow, change the hairstyle slightly to accommodate the new growth.
Get Regular Haircuts, But Smartly
Once the transplanted hairs have attached themselves to the blood supply in the recipient area and started growing like normal hair, you can trim, cut and style them like usual. However, you need to wait for at least three weeks following the surgery to cut even the existing hair. This is why most surgeons recommend their patients to get a fine trim before surgery.
To know more about hair care and hairstyling after hair transplant surgery, contact us now and let our experts guide you. Fill the form below for a FREE CONSULTATION.