If you are a long-term sufferer of hair loss or androgenic alopecia and have tried many hair products or treatments to see better results but failed, then it’s a good idea to visit a hair restorative surgeon.
Because hair transplant is the only long-term solution to hair loss.
But there are several factors that contribute in hair transplant’s longevity.
Factors That Affect Hair Transplant’s Longevity:
- Factors for the Candidacy to opt for a hair transplant
- Proper Knowledge about your Hair
- Hair Transplant with PRP Therapy
- Following the pre-surgical care instructions of a hair transplant surgery
- Information about You and your family hair loss history
- Proper Handling of Donor Region
- Precautions for Thinner Hair
- Transaction or Damage Rate of Hair Follicles
- post-surgical care instructions of a hair transplant surgery
Transplanted hair usually lasts as long as donor hair. A good hair transplant surgery includes using hair only from the donor area with long-lasting hair.
But maintenance is also required for the longevity of your transplanted hair. Taking good care of your transplanted hair along with the intake of the healthy foods can ensure the longevity of your transplanted hair.
1. Factors for the Candidacy to Opt for a Hair Transplant:
The hair transplant surgeon will collect some important information about you, like:
- your age
- about your hair loss family history
- Any medical condition that you are experiencing
- Or if you are using certain medications.
And finally, if you are:
- above 20 years of age
- you don’t have any medical disorder
- you aren’t using any kind of medicines
- And most important thing, your donor hair supply should be enough to hide your bald spots.
2. Need Proper Knowledge about Hair:
Performing hair transplant surgery needs proper and in-depth knowledge to differentiate between permanent and temporary hair.
There are numerous un-authentic hair transplant clinic, which are organized by the inexperienced surgeons. Their surgery may provide failed results as most of the implanted hairs were extracted from the donor regions which don’t have permanent hair.
they may extract hair from your recipient area, however, temporary hair extracted from your recipient area would grow but will be lost with the passage of time due to its immortality.
But the hair transplant surgeons at the hair transplant clinic have proper knowledge of the long-lasting hair at your donor areas and temporary hair at your recipient regions.
After examining your scalp including your donor and recipient regions, he may recommend you to get a hair transplant with PRP therapy from the hair transplant clinic.
3. Get a Hair Transplant with PRP Therapy:
If an un-trained surgeon performs your hair transplant surgery then you may also have to suffer from side effects due to mishandling.
But the hair transplant surgeon at the hair transplant clinic will perform a hair transplant with PRP therapy instead of a simple hair transplant surgery. Because PRP is a quick healing therapy which can help in the quick recovery of scars on your recipient and donor areas.
4. Follow the Pre-surgical Care instructions of a Hair Transplant Surgery:
But before opting for a hair transplant with PRP therapy, you need to follow these pre-surgical care instructions of a hair transplant surgery. Like:
- Don’t use blood thinners almost for two weeks before opting for a hair transplant surgery.
- stop smoking.
- Don’t drink alcoholic and caffeinated beverages almost for a week before opting a hair transplant surgery.
- Start consuming the medications both painkillers and antibiotics in advance, according to the recommendation of the hair transplant surgeon.
5. Information about You:
It’s important to have the better understanding of your health, and your family history of performing a hair transplant surgery.
Inexperienced surgeons might fail to evaluate these important conditions properly which will then cost you money, time and efforts.
But hair transplant surgeons at the hair transplant clinic have proper knowledge of how to evaluate the candidacy of a person.
They will gather all the required information about your health like:
- whether you are suffering from any medical condition or not?
- Are you using any medications or not?
- Do your family have a history of hair loss or not?
6. Proper Handling of Donor Region:
The lower 1/3rd zone skin of the donor region is thicker and harder to cut. This part of the donor area needs special skill and knowledge to handle it.
Unqualified surgeons may not be able to graft these hair follicles.And so, they will not to able to use hair follicles from this donor area of your scalp during a hair transplant surgery.
7. Precautions for Thinner Hair:
The gradual decrease in diameter of hair is also an important factor which requires well-trained hair transplant surgeons.
Because people with thinner hair need number of hair follicles as compared to the people who have thick and curly hair.
8. Transaction or Damage Rate of Hair Follicles:
Transaction rate is the damage rate of your hair follicles that occur during a hair transplant surgery.
Not all the extracted hair follicles can be utilized during the hair transplant procedure, especially if the procedure is performed by an unqualified surgeon. So the transaction rates are very high due to lack of skill.
Because the inexperienced surgeons aren’t well trained so they don’t have enough knowledge about the handling of hair follicles.
But the hair transplant surgeons at the hair transplant clinic have proper acquaintance and they are expert due to which they can perform unmistakable hair transplant surgeries. They have sufficient knowledge about the handling of hair follicles like:
- How to extract hair follicles from your donor areas
- How to place them while the extraction process is carried out.
- How to make tiny incisions at your recipient regions on right locations and on proper angles.
- How to implant hair follicles carefully into the tiny incisions at your recipient regions.
9. Post-Surgical Care Instructions of a Hair Transplant Surgery:
The hair transplant surgeon will also instruct you to follow these post-surgical care instructions of a hair transplant surgery in Dubai, like:
- Don’t wash your head at least for a couple of weeks.
- Try to sleep in an upright position and keep your head alleviated.
- Don’t touch your scalp unreasonably almost for 3 days.
- Quit smoking
- Try not to drink alcoholic drinks
- Don’t go in the direct sunlight
- Avoid massaging your scalp almost for a month.
- Use cold compressions like ice cubes, to reduce your swelling and pain.
- Try not to involve yourself in the daily activities which cause sweating because sweating is injurious for your newly transplanted hair.
- Consume recommended medications regularly.