
Bald and thin spots can emerge if hair loss is not stopped in a timely manner. Hair transplant treatment is the only procedure that can restore hair growth in bald areas. As there are a number of techniques to perform hair transplant, people often feel confused about which option is suitable.

FUT and FUE are commonly used to restore hair growth. FUT hair transplant or FUE hair transplant? Let’s discuss which option you should choose. This blog post explains the difference between FUT and FUE hair transplant. If you want to regrow hair on your bald or thin spots, this topic is for you.

What are FUT & FUE Hair Transplants?

Growing hair through hair transplant has been around for many decades and the procedure has evolved over the years. Today, it is safer than ever and delivers better results than ever.

There are mainly four ways to transplant hair: FUE hair transplant, FUT hair transplant, robotic hair transplant, and stem cell FUE hair transplant.

Both are surgical hair restoration methods that can take hair from one area to regrow in another area.

FUE vs. FUT Hair Transplants

These techniques have some similarities and differences. Some of them have been discussed below:

  • New/Old: The FUT method is considered as the oldest option and the FUE is the latest one.
  • Donor Site: Individual hair grafts are removed in FUE but a thin strip of hair is removed in FUT.
  • Side Effects: FUT method normally causes more damage to the donor site than FUE technique.
  • Cost/Pricing: FUE is an advanced option and it normally costs a bit higher than the FUT.

FUT or FUE: Which One is Better?

It is the choice of the hair transplant aspirant to choose one option over the other. Both options have some advantages and drawbacks. If you choose an experienced hair transplant surgeon, you will get good results. To know your FUE hair transplant cost in Dubai, contact a professional.

Choosing the Right Option: Key Take Always

You have read that both FUE and FUT methods are good to regrow hair naturally. It is the treatment candidate that chooses one of them. In case of confusion, a person can consult a doctor.

Our hair restoration experts would love to help you if you need more information. Just dial our number or fill our online form and schedule a consultation session.

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